Frequently Asked Questions

  • The main difference is that chiropractic care, massage and acupuncture are primarily passive therapies. Meaning, you lay there relaxing while the practitioner works to release tight muscles and connective tissue in order to help bring the body into better alignment and in the case of the chiropractor they also mobilize your joints. 

    On the other hand, postural realignment is an active process where you’ll perform a few easy stretches and exercises that teach your body how to bring itself into better alignment. This gives you the ability to relieve your own pain or discomfort and perform your best whenever you like, without having to wait for your next appointment.

  • My goal is for you to start feeling better before you leave our first appointment. This is how we know we found a combination of stretches and exercises that address your current issues.

    Clients often report better balance, feel more upright, reduced pain and/or ease of movement. You won’t be 100% perfect but as you consistently perform your daily routine the changes will become more and more a part of your pain-free structure.

  • Sessions typically run 60 minutes.

  • You can continue your exercise program as long as it’s not causing more pain. There may be times to stop strength training to maximize the changes in alignment. Strengthening muscles when the joints are out of alignment can lead to strengthening your dysfunction.

  • At this point in your life, you likely have multiple layers of dysfunction and compensation patterns in your body. We’ll begin with the top 2 that are causing pain and/or problems. Each appointment after that we’ll tackle the next worse issue until you feel amazing. 

    The average client will begin with 8 sessions for the first 8 weeks to get pain-free and back to doing the activities and sports they love.

    The clients who do the best long-term, come in once every 2 to 6 weeks after they are pain-free to catch any new issues before they become a problem.

    We want to be proactive, not reactive, to keep you pain-free.

  • Only if you plan on living a pain free, active life. Posture exercises are like any other type of exercise, if you want to retain their benefits then you’ll need to keep exercising.

    The truth is, once you see how much better you feel, you’ll never want to go back to the way things were!

  • Yes. The fastest results occur when you use a combination of passive and active therapies.

    Ever get a massage or adjustment and a few days later you feel like you’ve pulled yourself back out of alignment? When you add daily postural realignment exercises to your other treatments you’re teaching your body to integrate the work your chiropractor or therapist did into your nervous system and it sticks.

    This means they don’t have to keep “fixing” the same issues each time you see them…instead they can go deeper and you can continually improve.

  • During the initial two-hour session we’ll discuss your health history, goals and perform a detailed postural assessment.

    Posture photos will be taken, some easy functional movement tests will be performed and together we will create an individualized exercise program that you can easily perform at home every day.

    You will receive photos, videos and instructions to guide you through each exercise. Lastly, we’ll schedule your follow-up appointment.

  • This depends on you and your needs. What’s most important is that you can do them daily. If 10 minutes is the most you can realistically commit to, that’s what we’ll put in your program. If you decide you can do more down the road, then we’ll give you more.

  • Yes. Your nervous system has developed specific compensation patterns for your dysfunction. The movement habits you have at work, in your sport, how you sit and sleep all feed your imbalances daily.

    In order to create lasting changes in your connective tissues and nervous system you will need consistency.

    Here is what to expect if you do your program:

    • 3-4 days per week - you will just slow down the rate that you get worse.

    • 5 days per week - you will maintain where you are now.

    • 6 days per week - you will gain some progress.

    • 7 days per week - you can achieve your goals!

  • Just let me know ahead of time. Together we can adjust for your time and for lack of equipment.

    What’s important is that you can easily continue your exercises and remain pain-free during your trip.

  • No problem, we offer remote sessions over Zoom. You just need enough room for me to see you from head to toe when standing…decent lighting helps too.

  • We’ll make it as easy as possible for you to get started. Usually the floor, a wall, a chair, a pillow and a yoga strap or belt is all you’ll need.

    If there’s something you don’t have but would really help you, I’ll send you a link to make it super easy.

  • First-hand experience is the best way to learn and understand how Postural Realignment works.

    Have them call me for a complimentary session.

  • Postural realignment is considered to be a non-medical approach and we cannot bill insurance companies directly.

    However, many insurance plans now cover non-traditional therapies such as massage, acupuncture and Postural Realignment.

    We can provide you with paid invoice receipts for your insurance plan to see if you can be reimbursed. Also, consider using your flexible spending account or HSA.