Top 5 Exercises to Correct Leg Length Discrepancy

Has your doctor ever told you that you have a leg length discrepancy but you weren’t sure what to do about it?

I’ve been dealing with a leg length discrepancy since I was a teenager. My back felt wonky, SI joint would go out and left knee would click and jam to the point where a simple walk with my wife was painful.

I would see a chiropractor and an osteopath weekly to minimize the pain and discomfort. They helped a ton…but were also time consuming and expensive, plus I really wanted a way to maintain my alignment between adjustments.

The good news? Two years ago, a Postural Alignment Specialist showed me a simple set of exercises and stretches that made ALL the difference. Now, a quick 10-minute routine each morning keeps me pain-free and ready to conquer my day (including those morning walks!).

But before we jump into the exercises, let's talk about the two types of leg length discrepancies:

Structural vs. Functional: What's the Diff?

  • Structural: This is when your actual bones are slightly different lengths. It can be from birth, a growth plate injury, arthritis, or even surgery. Don't worry, we won't tackle surgery here (although it's an option!), but heel lifts or shoe inserts can help.

  • Functional: This is the more common culprit. Here, tight and weak muscles pull your hips out of alignment. Imagine constantly shifting your weight to one side – your pelvis gets thrown off, and muscles adapt by tightening up even more.

The good news? We can fix this with some daily posture love!

Let's Check Your Balance (Before We Fix It!)

Before we dive into the exercises, let's get a baseline of your current situation. Stand up and feel your feet – is your weight balanced evenly (50/50) or are you leaning more on one side (like 60/40 or even 70/30)? Remember that number!

Now, grab a full-length mirror (if you have one). How level are your hips and shoulders? Lastly, stand on one leg for 20 seconds. Easy peasy? Now try the other leg. Notice any wobbles?

Don't worry, these little tests will help us track your progress! Now, let's get to those exercises and show your body some TLC!

#1 Dynamic Adductor Stretch - 10 per leg

Chances are you’ll notice one side is tighter than the other. This tight adductor is shifting your hips to that side. Spend some extra time stretching it out so your hips can start shifting back to the center.

#2 Knee Pillow Squeezes - 20 reps

Next, you’ll strengthen the other side of adductor muscles to help hold you centered.

#3 Abductor Presses - 20 reps

Now you’ll strengthen the outer hip muscles for extra support holding your hips centered.

#4 Triangle - 45 seconds per side

Your next task is to rebalance the muscles that attach to the top of the pelvis that can cause the hip to hike up and shift over. Go as deep into the side stretch as you can handle.

#5 Wall Drop - 5 minutes

When you have a functional LLD the knee of the “short” leg tends to be bent most of the time. The bent knee is adjusting the leg length to match your uneven hip height. Now that your hips are more even, we want to lengthen that leg to match. You should feel a good stretch in your lower leg as you push your knees back to the wall.

Let's recheck your posture! Stand tall again and feel your feet. Did your weight distribution change at all? How about your hips and shoulders? Any improvement in your balance?

These little tests will help you track your progress over time. If you noticed even a slight improvement, keep at it! Perform this 10-minute routine every morning and see how much better you feel. Remember, consistency is key!

Bonus Tip: Had one or more surgeries? I find that clients with surgeries often need a little extra time and practice to create change in the scar tissue. Be patient with yourself, and your body will thank you.

Want a Personalized Plan?

Think you could benefit from a custom posture routine that takes your unique history of injuries, surgeries, compensation patterns, and activities into consideration? I can help!

Let's work together to banish that leg length discrepancy pain and get you moving freely again!


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