Maintain Chiropractic Adjustments Longer with Posture Therapy

Extend the Feel Good.

Ever feel like you're constantly chasing that amazing feeling after a chiropractic adjustment? You know, the one where your back feels loose, your posture's on point, and you could take on the world?  Yeah, me too! But sometimes, that feeling seems to fade faster than I’d like.

After your adjustment you’re feeling great. So you do some yard work, exercise and live your life. But within a day or two the old pattern creeps back into your body, things tighten back up and pull you out of alignment again.

This happens because some inhibited or weak muscles aren’t doing their job to stabilize joints as you move through. This instability increases the risk of joints being damaged and muscles tearing. As a safety mechanism, your muscles tighten back up to restrict movement.

This means the trick to maintaining your adjustment is to strengthen the weak muscles not doing their job and relax the muscles that have been picking up the slack for them.

3 Ways Posture Therapy Extends the Benefits of Your Adjustment

Posture therapy aims to rebalance your body through targeted exercises and stretches. It focuses on:

  1. Strengthening weak muscles: As you strengthen these muscles they naturally hold you in proper alignment. 

  2. Lengthening tight muscles: As you stretch tight muscles they stop pulling you out of proper alignment.

  3. Tissue remodeling: Breaking down scar tissue and fascial adhesions so you can move freely.

This allows better joint centration…constantly holding the bones of your joint in alignment as you move to minimize wear and tear…which results in:

  • Improved postural alignment

  • Increased flexibility

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Better balance

Egoscue Method exercises are designed to incorporate your adjustments and soft tissue therapies into your nervous system and connective tissues through simple movements so they become ingrained in your structure.

This daily movement practice is custom designed to rebalance your body's alignment and function. A movement practice that changes the same way your lifestyle changes from season to season…as your activities, sports, work or life changes. 

Your personalized daily movement practice reinforces the work your chiropractor, acupuncturist and massage therapists do and prepares your body for exercise, sports or just living your best life.

The best way to feel it for yourself is to schedule a session today.


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