Extend Your Massage Results with Posture Therapy

Feel Relaxed Longer.

Ever wonder why your massage therapist keeps focusing on the same areas every time? You only feel loose for a few days before things tighten back up again in the same pattern. 

Don’t you wish the amazing work your massage therapist does would hold and each time you see them they can go deeper, addressing less urgent issues? This way you both feel like you're making progress instead of reliving groundhog day over and over.

Why Muscles Tighten Back Up

Muscles tighten up for only two reasons:

  1. They are overworking in order to compensate for other muscles that are too weak to do their job.

  2. They are weak and defensively shorten to prevent them from tearing.

Muscles work in relationship with one another. Sometimes they work together as synergists to accomplish a task. If one member of the team isn’t able to do their job other teammates that are less suited for the task will jump in to help the best they can.

And sometimes they work opposite each other as antagonists. This requires them to communicate while taking turns switching on and off so as to not both be working against each other at the same time, but sometimes this signal gets mixed up and one of them stays on. 

In both situations the overactive muscle needs to be turned off so the inhibited muscle can switch back on and do its job properly.

Once this dysfunctional relationship has been corrected and the new pattern ingrained in your nervous system, it will cease to seise back up on you and your massage therapist can stop playing the broken record.

Curious about how this is causing pain and dysfunction in your body? Schedule a complimentary posture evaluation and feel the difference for yourself today.


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